PCDGC Online English Language Learning


Developing English proficiency is the key to success in Providence Country Day School Global Campus academic programs, in university and in the global workforce. Our online English Language Learning (ELL) program helps middle and high school students develop the proficiency required to enroll in PCDGC courses, including the Dual Diploma and Early University programs, and ultimately, achieve admission to a U.S. university.

Program Overview

Our ELL program offers an individualized approach to teaching English. The program includes 10 English courses, aligned to the CEFR scale (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages scale). Before entering the ELL program, students take a placement test. Students are then enrolled in the course that is the fit for their abilities. Each 18-week course combines both live synchronous lessons and asynchronous self-paced components across the four language communication domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). 

Student progress is monitored after each course through additional placement tests to determine their current English proficiency level, and ability to move to the next ELL course. Students at a B1 or better CEFR score are eligible for the Dual Diploma and Early University Programs. 


Benefits of the ELL Program

  • Students with an increased mastery of English are more successful in university and stand out in the global marketplace.
  • Students who learn a second language have an increase in memory, mental flexibility and problem solving*
    English Language Learners build confidence and are more academically successful in core subject areas such as math, science, reading and language arts**
  • An advantage over monolingual peers with higher degrees of communication and literacy skills***
  • Acquire the language skills needed for success in university and in the global workforce

* The Contribution of Multilingualism to Creativity
** Supporting English Language Learners in School and Afterschool and Summers
*** The Benefits of Bilingual Education and Its Impact on Student Learning and Growth